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Introducing Seacoast Pedal It Forward!

Matt Glenn

Seacoast Pedal It Forward (SPIF) is a new SABR program seeking bike donations which we will repair and check for safety before donating them back to the community.

We strive to provide people with fair and equitable access to bicycles for outdoor transportation and recreation while keeping usable and fixable bicycles out of landfills. Our passion for cycling and community has led us to establish Seacoast Pedal It Forward.

We need your help to make this mission a success! We are requesting adult bicycle donations on Thursday, April 11th and Tuesday, April 16th at the Port City Maker's Space (68 Morning Street in Portsmouth) from 5-6 PM. We intend to fix and repair the donations, ensuring that the bicycles are in safe and working order. Then, we plan to donate them back to the community for those in need. Would you be able to donate or help on one of these days?

Please email for any questions about bike donations or helping with this new program.

Monetary donations through PayPal are also most welcome to get this program rolling-- thank you!

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