SABR’s 2025 annual meeting was well attended and touched on a broad variety of topics of interest to the cycling community. Besides the 8 members of SABR’s board there was a good showing of SPIF volunteers, general SABR volunteers, supporters, and interested folks from across the seacoast.
Board president Matt Glenn opened with a welcome and flash survey of the room, then introduced Jonathan Blakeslee as leader of the “People on Bikes” committee.
Jonathan summarized the many events of 2024 including bike rodeos, themed rides, bike month, Bicycle Benefits activities, and monthly “Coffee Outsides”.
Next Dawn Przychodzien spoke about SABR’s new initiative, Seacoast Pedal It Forward (SPIF). SPIF grew out of a discussion at the annual meeting a year ago to take in old bikes, repair them, and donate to people in need of transportation. SPIF has a home at Port City Makerspace, twice-weekly workshops, over 20 active volunteers, an outreach coordinator, and a long list of partner agencies that assist in getting the bikes to people who can use them. 213 bikes were distributed in 2024, along with locks, helmets, and lights!
Annie Poubeau gave the treasurer’s report. SPIF was primarily funded by grants in 2024 along with some bike sales and individual donations. The rest of SABRs admin and operations (including insurance, web hosting, basic marketing, and bookkeeping software) were funded by individual donations. With total income of $13,437 and total expenses of $14,357 there was a deficit this year of $920. She also provided an update on the reinvigorated Communications Committee.
Kean McDermott spoke about SABRs continued commitment to bike advocacy. He mentioned projects in the works in Dover, Portsmouth, and statewide. He explained that while 1500 people engage with our email list SABR has not had a formal membership program in recent years, and that will be a focus for 2025. Besides inviting people to join a membership committee Kean advertised the need for volunteers to serve on the board.
Next was a unanimous vote of support for all board members and officers to continue in their current roles for the terms below:
2025 Slate:
Matt Glenn, President, term expires September 2026
Gerry Duffy, Vice President, term expires October 2025
Annie Poubeau, Treasurer, term expires October 2025
Kenneth Ferrer, Secretary, term up for renewal May 2026
Kean McDermott, term up for renewal March 2027
Jonathan Blakeslee, plans to step down in June 2025
Dawn Przychodzien, term up for renewal June 2027
Grace Lessner, term up for renewal October 2027
Following this vote Matt shared that over 50 volunteers gave a total of about 1,600 hrs in 2024, a huge increase over previous years due to the new SPIF program. The board’s “Volunteer of the Year” award was given to SPIF’s senior mechanic, David Josko.
Matt introduced Scott Bogle of Rockingham Planning Commission as a former SABR board member now serving on the NH Seacoast Greenway Alliance to talk about the new greenway that opened last Fall. Scott gave an excellent overview including plans in the works to extend it south in the coming years, new trailhead planning, signage, and a grant that would aim to connect the greenway to existing residential neighborhoods nearby.
Lastly, there were two announcements: Dover state representative Seth Miller spoke about a bill he has introduced to legalize the “Idaho Stop” in New Hampshire (and the need for public support), and Bob Najar spoke about the “Warm Showers” community for touring cyclists.
The formal meeting closed and two groups formed to discuss SABR membership and SABR rides and events for the coming year.
PDF of both presentations can be found here: